YouTube OnStage at VidCon 2019, Anaheim Convention Center
A live arena concert & variety show featuring top YouTube creators
Scenic activation design with performer poster series wildpostings
Robin Hood Foundation: Night for NYC 2016, Terminal 5 & Irving Plaza
Two simultaneous charity concerts, featuring Anderson .Paak (filling
in for Chance the Rapper), plus Mark Ronson, Citizen Cope and more
Event motif, scenic, poster & stage design
Grammys 2015 After Party, The Wiltern, Los Angeles
Citi presents a special night with Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett
Event motif, scenic, & poster design, printed with metallic inks on black paper
Google Pixel 3a Press Launch, 2019, New York
A sneak preview in stylized surroundings
Environmental pattern design
AI Now Symposia 2016-19, New York & Cambridge
Leading thinkers and active stakeholders assemble annually to
examine the societal implications posed by artificial intelligence
Event logo, pattern & environmental design
Google NYC, Holiday 2014
Windows & entrance area display
Environmental pattern design
Mophie Hangar by Live Nation, SXSW 2014
Sponsored pop-up venue, filling an Austin, TX
warehouse with music for two days & nights
Event logo & motif, scenic & poster design
Bud Light's Whatever, USA 2014
The entire town of Crested Butte, CO reimagined as a
fantasyland of revelry to culminate a national campaign
Scenic, environmental & stage design, and all
manner of graphics to transform the town
Bud Light's House of Whatever, Spring Break 2015
A 90's-throwback venue takeover in Lake Havasu, AZ, with a giant boombox
Event logo & motif, scenic & environmental design
Numbers And Letters, 2011
A debut album and single of passionate acoustic folk with a dark, ambient air
Original artwork, packaging & merchandise design
Neon Windbreaker, 2012
A ferocious storm of post-punk energy on a slab of clear vinyl
Original artwork & packaging design
Logos for Live Nation, 2010-14
Client-sponsored promotions, pop-up venues, naming rights,
event series, and even proposed corporate rebranding concepts
Logo design & brand integration
TZDK, 2013-14
Sometimes you design a new startup clothing brand for young
men, but the parent company pulls the plug before launch
Brand, logo, pattern & graphic apparel design
Camp White Pine & Manitou, 2009-10
Two beloved institutions of the Ontario camping tradition, of which I am a product
Logo design & refresh, promotional print materials
MediumBase, 2011
A Brooklyn, NY lighting design studio & consultancy for public and private spaces
Logo & brand design w/ alternates